Local Discount Merchant Network
Add your business to the BaZing Savings Network
Join the growing list of BaZing Local Merchants and promote your business to our customers by offering your own special deal or discount. It's free to join in exchange for ongoing, exclusive discounts to BaZing Interest Checking customers. There is no fee to be a participating merchant, and no revenue sharing is required. All businesses are welcome to join, even if you’re not a First Columbia Bank customer.
How It Works
BaZing Checking customers get access to many benefits, including BaZing’s convenient, easy-to-use mobile app with hundreds of offers – one of which can be yours! At the point of sale, customers just show a mobile coupon to receive the custom discount that you create and control.
Call us for a demo or to learn more!
*The Bank is does not track your BaZing discount usage.